September was a month with many releases in the extreme metal sphere. We received approximately 30 to 35 releases. Among these, I selected the appealing black metal albums and, you can check a brief review and enjoy the songs.

Dawn of a Dark Age – Le Forche Caudine

Release Date: 24th September 2021
Label: Antiq Records

The Italian atmospheric/experimental black metal act, Dawn of a Dark Age, offers a different avant-garde sound. I only became aware of this differentiated effort in 2020 with the album La Tavola Osca.
After that, I ran after a Saga that exalts the primordial elements of alchemy in five albums. I liked it a lot, not only because Dawn of a Dark Age addresses medieval themes in depth often not understood but for the dedication to transform the style into something new and even then, let’s say, not so common. Now in September, I was again surprised with Le Forche Caudine 321 BC – 2021 AD.
Like its predecessor, the album unfolds in two acts totalling a little over 38 minutes. A moderately styled black metal with really interesting narrations and speeches, reinforced by strings and clarinets, as well as the bagpipes, vibraphone and trombone. Dawn of a Dark Age is one of the only musical acts of a small sphere of musicians, capable of evoking the past by applying unusual elements in their works and proving to be essentially progressive.
An album that offers an affirmative and emotional story, it is an entrepreneurial work worthy of greetings and tributes.


Release Date: 17th September 2021
Label: Napalm Records

After six years of silence, Finnish Saturnian Mist brought this year their ritualistic black metal album Shamatanic. Intensely aggressive with fast and slow tempos. The use of percussive and heavy metal elements brings that charming ritualist appeal. All tracks from this album are good and furious with amazing catchy melodies and dedicated to the dark arts. Colossal songwriting makes this album memorable.

Sermon of Flames – I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive

Release Date: 3rd September 2021
Label: I, Voidhanger Records

Formed in 2019 when the Irish duo Sermons Of Flames released their demo, Heralds of the Untruth, these guys play a blend of black/death/industrial metal. After one year and something, they brought us their debut album, I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive. An album that completely rejects and disgust human existence. I kindly call a stiffly mighty work of a blasting death metal rage, with no limits for what they want to show. Black metal here works as a background curtain and, then you find this blend of atonal melodies, harsh noises, distorted and dissonant tones, vocals that switch between bizarre growls and cavernous spoken chants. An album that surprised me.

Pestilential Shadows – Revenant

Release Date: 3rd September 2021
Label: Seance Records

One of the longest-running names in the Australian Black Metal scene, Pestilential Shadows has earned respect and support within the style for the high-quality music and, from the dark and cold feeling that pervades them to anyone who dares to face its sonic monoliths. Revenant, brought to the listener from the beginning to the last note of the closing track, the musicianship and climatic contours already known from the previous works. But the seven years in which Balam and company were creatively dormant were able to ferment in their minds the inspiration needed for their new songs to sound refreshed, with brand-new blood and hungry for souls to engulf, but bringing the usual dark monsoon storms. (by Bruno Rocha)

Pa Vesh En – Maniac Manifest

Release Date: 10th September 2021
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions

Hailing from Belarus, Pa Vesh En plays a kind of raw lo-fi ambient black metal. Maniac Manifest was a well-done construction in despair. At the very beginning, the first track sounds strange, but that feeling remains for a few couple of seconds. The album means what states the promo material, a pulse-threatening delirium. A notable work that shows how Pa Vesh En has evolved from the previous releases. The tracks are well arranged. You get what you want, explosive beats, terrifying synthesizers, beautiful melodies here and there. My favourite track of this madness is “Spellbound By The Witchmoon” is a melodic second wave black metal. A trustworthy record.

Runespell – Verses In Regicide

Release Date: 10th September 2021
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions

Australian project by Nightwolf, Runespell, don’t cease to amaze. Verses in Regicide is a well-executed album. An Epic and melancholic album in a balanced dose, it remains faithful to classic black metal. I emphasize without fear of being happy the powerful work from the guitar, a beautiful thing. From the first track and following through the bleak landscapes of dark forests, this work shows itself worthy and made of the soul and, this is what we expect from an album.

MALIGNAMENT – Hypocrisis Absolution

Release Date: 24th September 2021
Label: Primitive Reaction

Finnish black metal duo Malignament’s debut album is one of those first works that a new band releases and is already mature and very well executed. All tracks on the album are glorious. The exceptional composition is awash in triumphant melodies, oppressive and gloomy landscape, the tracks on the album are dense and sinister, the speed is dizzying, it spreads loudly. Malignament created a majestic professional statement. After this debut, I can only imagine what will come next. I highly recommended it.

Wooden Throne – Under the Moon They Wander Until Fading Away

Release Date: 30th September 2021
Label: Purity Through Fire

Finnish obscure one-man atmospheric black metal Wooden Throne came with his debut album to the light of day this September, bringing neofolk trends amalgamated with good old atmospheric black metal that’s absolutely it. Under the Moon They Wander Until Fading Away is slurred, melodic in essence, full of temper with passionate dark riffs added to piano notes and interludes. There isn’t blast beats in the seven tracks. The album is a journey through space and time and, with the enveloping guitars and floating synthesizers, you can hardly feel (or hear) where one starts and the other ends, but that it’s full of emotion, a good album for lovers of Summoning, Sojourner and the likes.

Lamp Of Murmuur – Submission and Slavery

Release Date: 16th September 2021
Label: Self-released

Heavily inspired by the ’80s vibe, Lamp of Murmuur draws on gothic influences such as Sisters of Mercy, The Cure and some other few acts of this genre rejuvenating, with icy shrill layered guitars and kooky drums, as well as cleaner vocals. Even though, for many of us, a Sisters of Mercy vibe has already become tiresome. Submission and Slavery it’s a dynamic album, alluring in content, and plays well with all this gothic stuff that somewhat, as I said early is just an inspiration because all that black metal spirit is there. Lamp of Murmuur is an entity that can revamp a “chantilly” genre in something amazing and unique. It’s a good album and, I recommend it.

Veilburner – Lurkers in the Capsule of Skull

Release Date: 15th September 2021
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records

The music of these black/death metallers above all has an avant-garde and intentionally abrasive and memorable vibe. Lurkers in the Capsule of Skull combines all the good that these revolted nihilists offer so masterfully. The album is abrasive, surreal and oozes memorable melodies. The drums are mean, the synths are hellish, the vocals are catchy growls, and the riffs drive the stakes deep into death metal. Besides, it presents the best of icy and raw black metal atmosphere.This release is mega-powerful. It’s more than just music. It’s a weird existential mix, bizarre, ahead of its time and, highly addictive.

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